Thursday, June 2, 2011

Reference List

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory- Noun Worksheet:

Winch,G., Johnston R.R., March, P., Ljungdahl, L., & Holliday, M. (2010). Literacy: Reading, writing and children's literature. (4th ed.). Melbourne, Victoria, Australia: Oxford University Press.

Possum Magic resource:

Name: _______________________________    Date: ___/____/___ WRITTEN CLOZE
Fill the gaps with the words in the box to make the sentence correct. (Remember to look at the reading sheet to help you)

Once upon a time, but not very ____________ ago, deep in the Australian bush ___________two possums. Their names were Hush and Grandma Poss. Grandma Poss __________ bush magic. She made wombats blue and kookaburras_________. She made dingos _____________ and emus shrink. But the best magic of all was the magic that made __________ INVISIBLE. What _________________ Hush had! Because she couldn’t be seen she could be __________________ by koalas. Because she couldn’t be seen she could slide down___________________. Because she couldn’t be seen she was safe from_______________, which is why Grandma Poss had made her ___________________ in the first place.
invisible    adventures    snakes    smile    long    made    pink    Hush lived    squashed    kangaroos

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